Pincho de mejillón en escabeche, patata y berenjena Conservas Antonio

Pickled mussel skewer, potato and eggplant

Preparation Time45 minsTotal Time 45 mins
 Almagro chopped aubergines
 300 g of large mussels
 8 small potatoes
 1 egg
 Mild olive oil
 50 ml white wine

We wash the potatoes and cook them covered in water with a little salt for 30-40 min.


We clean the mussels and put them to cook with the white wine and a little water, let them cook covered just until they open, remove from the heat and reserve the mussel meat.


Submerge the mussels in the aubergine juice and leave them for 30 min.


For the mayonnaise, put the egg, a couple of tablespoons of the aubergine dressing, a little lemon juice and add oil little by little, emulsifying until the desired texture is achieved


We assemble the skewers by placing half a potato, a canon leaf with a piece of eggplant and a mussel on top, we finish with the mayonnaise on top.


 Almagro chopped aubergines
 300 g of large mussels
 8 small potatoes
 1 egg
 Mild olive oil
 50 ml white wine



We wash the potatoes and cook them covered in water with a little salt for 30-40 min.


We clean the mussels and put them to cook with the white wine and a little water, let them cook covered just until they open, remove from the heat and reserve the mussel meat.


Submerge the mussels in the aubergine juice and leave them for 30 min.


For the mayonnaise, put the egg, a couple of tablespoons of the aubergine dressing, a little lemon juice and add oil little by little, emulsifying until the desired texture is achieved


We assemble the skewers by placing half a potato, a canon leaf with a piece of eggplant and a mussel on top, we finish with the mayonnaise on top.

Pickled mussel skewer, potato and eggplant
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Conservas Antonio

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