The Tradition of the artisanal appetizer


Almagro aubergine, Pickles and Vegetable preserves

Conservas Antonio was founded in 1965 thanks to Antonio Almansa García’s entrepreneurial spirit which from the beginning has defined the essence of the brand: tradition,quality and flavour. Since then the family-run business has established itself as a nationally recognised company and is highly regarded as a producer of Almagro aubergines, vegetable conserves and pickles. In spite of currently being a leading company in the sector we are proud to maintain our family-run nature. The new generation continues to maintain the artisan tradition and quality that has been our true motivation and avenue to success for so many years.



Conservas Antonio was founded by Antonio Almansa García who was convinced that the manufacturing of Almagro aubergines would be a source of wealth and employment for Campo de Calatrava.

Conservas Antonio Historia


First label designs

Launch of the first glass jars with images of the products giving shape and colour to the brand.


Market launch of lithographed tins

The lithographed tins are put to the market, Conservas Antonio is already the leading brand in producing Almagro aubergines.

Conservas Antonio
Conservas Antonio


Factory expansion

The brand starts to establish itself in the market due to the success of the products and decides to expand the facilities to meet the growing demand.

Conservas Antonio


Aubergine I.G.P Certification of Almagro

In order to promote and improve the quality of such an extraordinary product, a certification is obtained to confirm the high standard of taste and quality.


New Logo and Slogan

In 1990 the logo was modernised and the slogan “Sun, water, land and tradition” was released.

Conservas Antonio


Opening Of New Facilities

An exciting new project takes places at Conservas Antonio to build its new facilities.

Conservas Antonio
Conservas Antonio


New brand architecture

Redesign of the brand aiming to maintain a healthy and versatile image giving flexibility and extending it to new categories.


Antonio, today’s leading brand

Conservas Antonio enjoys special recognition for all its products. Our evolution moves towards a world that speaks a clear, easy and dynamic language “making healthy products that provide flavour and quality.”

Conservas Antonio Logo
Conservas Antonio

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