
The world we want tomorrow begins with how we do things today.

Not only are we focused on expanding our business, but we also have a deep commitment to the society and natural environment.

Flavour is in our Nature.


  • We employ sustainable agricultural practices for all of our vegetables, minimizing the use of pesticides and reducing environmental impacts.
  • We control the production process in order to minimize the consumption of resources and the waste and surplus generated.
  • We manage the waste from our production activity, handling each category appropriately.
  • We are especially committed to efficient use of water and energy consumption, raw materials, packing and packaging materials.
  • We also comply with all environmental requirements, laws and codes of practice related to all of our processes and activities.

Corporate social responsibility

  • At Conservas Antonio, we comprehend that the personal and professional development of our employees contributes to the development of the company.
  • For this reason, we actively and voluntarily make our contribution to social progress.
Conservas Antonio Logo
Conservas Antonio

¡Contacta con nosotros!

¡Contacta con nosotros! Rellena el siguiente formulario o escríbenos a atconsumidor@conservasantonio.com con cualquier duda que tengas.

Información básica sobre Protección de Datos.
Responsable: Conservas Manchegas Antonio, S.L.
Finalidades: Gestión de solicitudes de usuarios
Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado. Cumplimiento de relación contractual. Interés Legítimo.
Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal o autorización del interesado.
Derechos: Acceder, rectificar, y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en la información adicional.

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